Sunday, February 5, 2012


Welcome to my Spiritual Nomad blog!

I'm taking an ecourse designed by author Diane Sylvan, about finding your own spirituality. I've long believed that organized religions don't have it quite right, and adhered to the belief that your faith is between you and God, not you and anyone else. I've felt for awhile I do not quite fit in with any particular belief, because I think that regardless of what I believe personally, it's not right for everyone. There is no one way to God.

From Diane Sylvan's page about the course:

"The concept behind Spiritual Nomadism is that not everyone is suited to pick a single tradition and stick with it forever. Spirituality is an ever-evolving thing, and while some folk can do that within the structure of one religion—which is awesome for them—some of us always have a weather eye on the horizon. We learn a bit here, and a bit there, and gather tools and souvenirs from every tradition we visit, but ultimately we prefer to keep on walking and do our own thing.

Neither of these approaches is right or wrong, but there isn’t just a whole lot of help out there for people who want to draw their own maps instead of sticking to the guided tour. I found that, when I could no longer reasonably call myself Wiccan, I was sort of floating in the Sea of Muddled Eclecticism, and I had to tread water for quite a while. I might not be able to drag you to dry land, but I can help you blow up your water wings."

This blog is where I'll be posting my responses to the course, both in our "assignments" and my general thoughts.

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